Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education (QEEE)
The Committee for Reforms in Technical Education under the chairmanship of Professor Ashok Jhunjhunwala, IIT Madras, has been constituted by the Ministry of Human Resources and Development (MHRD) with a mandate to bring about comprehensive reforms in technical education. [Details]
Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering has participated in QEEE Programme as mandatory activities since January, 2015. Institute Code for this Programme is BUIEW.
Courses Registered (2015 onwards)
Institute has actively participated in the following courses since January, 2015
Session | Registered Courses |
Jan - Apr, 2015 | Convective Heat Transfer (ME), Basic Construction Planning Technique (CE), Analysis by Slope-Deflection Method (CE), Diffusion in materials(CE), MOS Transistor (ECE), Computer Networks (CSE & IT), Computer Organization & Architecture (CSE), Skin effect in wires and cables Course: EM fields (EE), Design of shallow foundations (CE), Fluid Mechanics (ME), Fourier Transforms (Math), Frequency Domain Analysis (EE), Spoken English (Bridge Course). |
Aug - Nov, 2015 | Site Investigation and Exploration (CE), Understanding Solid State Devices Made Easy (ECE), Program Testing (CSE), Control Systems (EE, ECE & AEIE), Engineering Drawing - Machine Drawing (ME), Flexure in Beams - Structural Mechanics (CE), Soil Mechanics (CE), Spoken English (Bridge Course), Industry bridge by CII (Bridge Course). |
Jan - Apr, 2016 | Deflection of Statically Determinate Structures (CE), Design of Feedback in Control Systems (EE), BJT, MOSFET And Amplifiers - Analog Electronic Circuits (ECE), Process Synchronization - Operating Systems (CSE), Fundamental Concepts in Fluid Mechanics - Fluid Mechanics (ME), Spoken English (Bridge Course), Industry bridge by CII (Bridge Course). |
Aug - Nov, 2016 | Microprocessors and Microcontrollers - Memory Mapping and Peripheral Interfacing (AEIE), Introduction to Convection Heat Transfer - Heat Transfer (ME), Shear Strength of Soils - Geotechnical Engineering (CE), Classification of Signals and System - Introduction to Signals and Systems (AEIE), Bending and Stresses in Beam - Strength of Materials / Mechanics of Solids / Solid Mechanics (CE), Cloud Technology Overview - Cloud Computing (CSE/IT), Maxwell Equations (EE), 8085 and 8086 Microprocessor: Architecture, Assembly Language Programming and System Design (EE), Industry Bridge by CII (IIIC and T&P) |
Jan - Jun, 2017 | |
Aug - Nov, 2017 | Course Details: Click here! |
To access coursepack, run live sessions & check program schedule; Please access to QEEE institute server:
QEEE Class Room: Second Floor, Central Library Bldg., BUIE.
Contact Us
For any clarification, mail to qeee.buiew@gmail.com
Fig-1: A live lecture (Fluid Mechanics) for Mechanical Engineering (4th semetser students) is delivered by Dr. Suman Chakraborty, IIT-Kharagpur through QEEE infrastructure at Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering.