- Establish and promote quality sustenance activities.
- Ensure timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
- Cultivate a system that consistently monitors initiatives taken by the various bodies of the institution and encourage improvement in tune with latest developments in the field of education.
- Plan and execute periodic assessment and accreditation of the institution.
- Record and monitor quality measures of the institution by reviewing the annual progress of departments, schools, extension activities and various bodies which come under the institution’s umbrella through internal and external audits.
- Develop an institutional data base and document various activities leading to quality improvement.
- Channel and systematize efforts and measures towards academic excellence.
- Optimize and integrate modern methods of teaching, learning and evaluation in the institution.
- Ensure placement opportunities for students, counsel the students for higher studies, strengthen the alumni association, build association with all stakeholders and stimulate social responsibility
- Facilitate a sense of belonging through a participatory approach and encourage self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy and innovation to all the stakeholders of the institution.
- Functions
- Spearhead the conduct of internal and external academic audits of departments to promote quality, accountability and transparency.
- Initiate and coordinate the process of restructuring and upgrading the syllabus periodically to create a progressive curriculum keeping with the demands of the time
- Stimulate the academic environment for promotion of a quality teaching-learning process through ICT enabled tools.
- Facilitate online teaching and encourage blended learning to achieve a global standard and inculcate value–based education system.
- Organise consultancy and training programmes with other stakeholders for quality evaluation, promotion and sustenance.
- Facilitate and encourage departments to build relationships with institutes and industries of repute at a global level.
- Motivate students to take active part in extracurricular and co-curricular activities.
- Plan, create, execute and maintain a system of feedback on processes and policies of the college from students, parents, teachers, alumni, subject experts and industries through annual and exit feedback stakeholders.
- Develop and maintain an institutional database through the Integrated Management System (IMS), for the purpose of E-governance, thereby enhancing the institutional administrative quality.
- Assist the institution in conducting staff appraisal for quality sustenance.
- Motivate and facilitate departments to organise workshops, seminars, conferences, FDPs, industry academia conclaves and skill development programmes.
- Encourage faculty members to participate in UGC-HRDC sponsored orientation programmes, refresher programmes, national and international seminars, conferences and workshops
- Initiate efforts to sign more memoranda of understanding with leading industries aimed at knowledge sharing, hands on training and job opportunities.
- Take an active part in the policy and decision-making process of the institution with a futuristic approach